Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Darn Yankees!

Saturday Mom and I went to see the play Darn Yankees for my English class at the Aurora Theater in Downtown Lawrenceville. We arrived early so Mom and I bought out tickets. Then we walked around a bit and toured the city court house. As we left the court house we as that their was a huge store dedicated to the red hat club. And a huge group of them were walking around town too!

Mom wanted to go look at the antique store. It was amazing! They had some really cute old umbrellas, big tacky jewelry from the 60's, and just all sorts of awesome things. The had a chest of drawers in good condition only for two hundred dollars. Only we could buy it. Aw...

At the play the Red Hat club was there too! They sat on the front row! It was so amazing. I wish I had had my camera. It would have been fun.

What? The play? Oh yah! That was good too. n_n

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

What a fun day! I'm so glad you decided to spend one more year in GA attending school. I know your mom loves having you around!!! {I would too!} Great story.