Thursday, April 1, 2010


April Fools! I do, however, want a better banner. (Note to self: Work on that! Edit: Fixed!)

Ah! Finally we are able to brag about having some great weather! See that blue sky? Simply wonderful!(Honestly, that's something only meteorologist would do to tell the truth.) Today my writing class was supposed to have class outside at the park with a picnic, but APRIL FOOLS! We didn't.

So at first I was like this-

I had even brought cake! But Dr. Huang promised once we got the paper work filled in we could have our picnic next week if we had good weather! Plus, we still got to go outside- just not to the park.

and then I was like this!

Forgive my use of random silly faces. I just love their bizarre way of expressing emotions.

Also please take note- you have a fish on your back.

Poisson d'Avril!