The following Monday was as I said before very rainy. : P My swim teacher was unable to make it to class (probably because of the water), so she sent us instructions to meet in a computer lab to work on swim homework. Then I had a test in history which I had been DREADING! Yes, I studied. I studied my head off! And you know what.... It was EASY! I just about laughed! Our study guide had been harder to do than the test. Thank you Dr. Shellman! Then I found out (only after getting there) that my favorite class was canceled. I spoke to my professor before she left. She explained that her husband had called her and all the roads around her house were closing because the Chattahoochee river was over flowing. She had to hurry and get home before she was blocked out.
So now that you just what kind of rainy day it was- Kat, Jamie, and I went out to buy frosting at Wal-Mart! Brave? Foolish? Both!? Probably. Because of the hard rains we decided to buy an umbrella. Wal-Mart didn't have umbrellas... They ran out. We were going to check the other stores near by, but come on! You know when Wal-Mart runs out of something fat chance someone else will have it!
So then once we get to Kat house Jamie has to leave anyways. Perhaps had he stayed our cake would have turned out better... Fortunately, Kat's Mom helped us once we messed it up.
The flavor of cake we chose to do was a scrumptious yellow cake. Kat had envisioned making a two layer cake with butter cream frosting and rainbow chips on top with some kind of lettering. Half way through the process we ran out of regular butter, but we use sweetened butter on the second cake mix! We baked them just right and they looked perfect! Then we goofed. In our excitement we tried to take the cakes out of their pans before they had cooled. A chunk of one cake's middle fell on the floor. Needless to say Whitney, Kat's dog, was happy. But with Kat's mom to the rescue, she preformed cake surgery and our two layer turned into a three layer! We were over joyed until Kat's sister said "It's still ugly." Well, it was, but it tasted good. (A sneaky ninja took a taste.) The end product looked like this...
^We totally ignored the back side. It feels cold and neglected.
I would show the progression pictures, but Kat still has them. These were taken when she brought the cake over to my house. If your wondering why it says "SASUKE FAIL5 UBERLY" is a long story in itself. Melanie was supposed to come bake cake with us so we put the name of her favorite character on there just for her. (We sent her pictures.)Also we called it our little fail cake so we added the "fail5 uberly". (Not to mention we ran out of "S"s and had to use numbers.) It was funny how it all strung together! It looks pretty good eve! Even though Kat's Sister made a cake with her friend and it look in, Kat's words, "mind blowingly fantastic" compared to ours. Er.... Our had character!
Lesson learned: I'm no Bakerella...
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