Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Party Time!

Just the other day my friend Grace randomly stopped by the house! We got to play 'Catch-up' and talk. She even got to spend the night! I really miss her now that she lives in Florida, but hopefully she'll come to visit more often! (And of course maybe I could go visit her and spend a week-end at the beach!)

Also, who knew October was the best time of year for parties!? There are loads of event going on at school right now!

The Hispanic Heritage Masquerade: I couldn't go, but from what I hear it was a lot of fun! Plus free t-shirt to anyone who brought food!

The Food Court's Grand Opening Party: That was super fun! We even had a bounce house and blow up slide! Luckily, I was wearing shorts with my skirt and was able to do a super quick ninja change! Whoosh! My friends and I had the theme of 'Ninja' that day. It turned out to be a perfect theme considering the brand name of the bounce house was "Ninja Bounce"! Whoosh! And as a ninja would say; "Now you see me, Now you die." Of course no one really got hurt, well, except for when three of us accidentally went down the same slide... It was like smacking pavement with plastic between us. It hurt, but we were to busy laughing at how dumb we were to really notice!

Military Appreciation Day: "I appreciate my military- I appreciate them more when their not inferring with my studies" Is the statement that my friend from French class told me. It was a great idea, but with helicopters and buzzers going off in between classes it can be very annoying. Not to mention the 'yellow ribbon brigade' stopped anyone and everyone not wearing a yellow ribbon, often making some of us late to class. I wish they had just held the event on a Saturday or something! Then I could have played with everyone too!

Free Nitrogen Ice Cream Day: Nothing's better than free Ice Cream made with sugar, milk, and pure liquid nitrogen! Courtesy of the chemistry department! It was a good thing. The chemistry students got extra credit and I got free ice and a show! Watching them make the ice cream was humorous because it looked like they were beating the stuffing out of a foamy bowl that was oozing cream and fog. One of the chemistry teachers, who had an awesome British accent, was dipping flowers in liquid nitrogen and smashing them against the ground! It was amazing to see exploding frozen carnations! Also they unveiled the chemistry department's new mascot: The Sodium Hippopotamus! Which was created by some chemistry students who while doing a lab came across the term "Na-Hypo".

That's all the events that have happened at school. There's going to be a Halloween party too! It sound like a lot of fun. I kinda want to go.

Even if I don't go, this year I'm going to be the Mad Hatter! One lump of sugar or two?

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Wow! Sounds like so much fun and so many cool things going on. Isn't college so much fun? I'm sad that Grace moved away but happy you still see her.

What? Florida?? Why not come visit Texas? We have this really cool holiday here called Halloween and then we have another really cool one called Thanksgiving. To top it off we have CHRISTMAS!! Come!