Wednesday, January 6, 2010

College Time!

It's that time of year again! College! I just had a heart attack paying for books... again. Really a hundred dollars for a paper back book is too much especially when I can only return it for less than half the price! >:O

The first day of the spring semester begins the 11th this month and despite the highway robbery at the bookstore I'm full on ready! Another wonderful thing is I've applied for BYU! Yay! I just have a few things to get in before I'm officially, completely applied, but the process has begun! I can already feel the snow covered hills of the BYU campus!


Sylvia said...

Wow! Whoa!! I'm so excited...BYU!!?! I'm singing the cougar fight song already. Go Ashley!!

Katherine said...

I would LOVE it if you came to BYU. It really is fabulous. And a hint for the books: get the ISBN and try or That's usually where I buy my books and this year I only spent 300 instead of 800. Good luck!