Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone! Here are those pictures I promised because Mom and Aunt Sylvia are on my case! All I hear is "Blog! Blog! Blog!" Hee Hee! So here it is!

Here is our tree!

This is the live nativity we saw at the church's open house!

And to make up for lack of blogging I have a special Christmas Phred and Bob Movie!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas is Coming!

It's so exciting to get ready for Christmas! We even have a live tree! When I get around to it I'll post pictures of all our Christmas cheer! We wish you all a Merry Christmas too! We love you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adventures in Nursery Land

Guess who got Lappy back! Now I'm ready to blog like crazy! Also at the bottom of the page I have a new video! It's my English 1101 project!

Anyways, last Sunday there was a little accident. Well, a big little accident! Just before Sister Taylor and I were going to set up snack little Ira tripped and hit his head on the doll house. At first we though he was fine, but then he looked up at us. His poor little forehead was just oozing blood. It got every were! Luckily, Brother Dr. Evans and practically half the ward was there to give us a hand. Ira will be okay. He'll just have to get stitches. It was still a pretty shocking experience. Poor Sister Taylor's shirt looked like she had just murdered someone. I hope all the blood comes out!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meeting Friends and the Lappy Doctor

Guess who I saw at the grocery store-- It was my friend Jessica! I haven't seen her in a long time. I found out that she is going to Berry college in Rome, GA which is why I haven't seen her in a long time!

The poor Lappy has gone to the Laptop doctor to have the blue screen of death and the CD drive fixed up. They actually called today to let me know that they had fixed everything execpt the CD drive which they have to order a new part for it. It'll be ready around Wednesday-ish. Until then I'm stuck using the old Compy in the kitchen.

Here is the doctor with the Lappy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fashion á la Mode

Last Saturday while we were out running errands we found the most a amazing thing for the Buffy.

The shirt says "The Princess has Arrived"

Little queen of fashion!

And here's her little doggy coat for winter! Isn't she just cute!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Party Time!

Just the other day my friend Grace randomly stopped by the house! We got to play 'Catch-up' and talk. She even got to spend the night! I really miss her now that she lives in Florida, but hopefully she'll come to visit more often! (And of course maybe I could go visit her and spend a week-end at the beach!)

Also, who knew October was the best time of year for parties!? There are loads of event going on at school right now!

The Hispanic Heritage Masquerade: I couldn't go, but from what I hear it was a lot of fun! Plus free t-shirt to anyone who brought food!

The Food Court's Grand Opening Party: That was super fun! We even had a bounce house and blow up slide! Luckily, I was wearing shorts with my skirt and was able to do a super quick ninja change! Whoosh! My friends and I had the theme of 'Ninja' that day. It turned out to be a perfect theme considering the brand name of the bounce house was "Ninja Bounce"! Whoosh! And as a ninja would say; "Now you see me, Now you die." Of course no one really got hurt, well, except for when three of us accidentally went down the same slide... It was like smacking pavement with plastic between us. It hurt, but we were to busy laughing at how dumb we were to really notice!

Military Appreciation Day: "I appreciate my military- I appreciate them more when their not inferring with my studies" Is the statement that my friend from French class told me. It was a great idea, but with helicopters and buzzers going off in between classes it can be very annoying. Not to mention the 'yellow ribbon brigade' stopped anyone and everyone not wearing a yellow ribbon, often making some of us late to class. I wish they had just held the event on a Saturday or something! Then I could have played with everyone too!

Free Nitrogen Ice Cream Day: Nothing's better than free Ice Cream made with sugar, milk, and pure liquid nitrogen! Courtesy of the chemistry department! It was a good thing. The chemistry students got extra credit and I got free ice and a show! Watching them make the ice cream was humorous because it looked like they were beating the stuffing out of a foamy bowl that was oozing cream and fog. One of the chemistry teachers, who had an awesome British accent, was dipping flowers in liquid nitrogen and smashing them against the ground! It was amazing to see exploding frozen carnations! Also they unveiled the chemistry department's new mascot: The Sodium Hippopotamus! Which was created by some chemistry students who while doing a lab came across the term "Na-Hypo".

That's all the events that have happened at school. There's going to be a Halloween party too! It sound like a lot of fun. I kinda want to go.

Even if I don't go, this year I'm going to be the Mad Hatter! One lump of sugar or two?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Buffy the Work Dog

Here's just a little moment of the Buffy hard at Work in the Office!

The Office Dog with her Giraffe!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Update of Randomness

Dad came back from his business trip to Arizona last night. I may (or may not) be able to persuade him to blog about it! All we know is that it was hot outside and he stayed in a fancy hotel! Oh! Sound like a mini vacation!

Unfortunately, The Gnome movie isn't finished. I'm going to have to drag Mom outside to help me get more footage, but their theme song is done and ready to be viewed at the bottom of the blog! Gnomes aren't very good singers though...

In the mail Mom and I got our free cookie book! I'm so excited. We'll be making cookies for Conference weekend! Oh yah!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Epic Movies

Today while sitting in the commons area at college some guys were trying to film a movie for a project so they asked everyone there to dance for them. So I can now honestly say I've been in a movie! I was dancing person #36! I danced the caramelldansen! It was probably one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done.

^Ya! Just like that! (And I borrowed the image from a Korean website just so you know!)

Unfortunately, I'll probably never see the end product... unless they post it on Youtube...

On the bright side Mom and I are making an epic adventure movie of our own starring Bob and Phred! I'll update in more detail later, this was just a spur of the moment post.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Hansy!

I'm a little late with the blog! Friday was an excellent day for Hans! After all a birthday one comes around once a year! Hans was given the day off from work! His co-workers gave him a gift to Zaxby's! Hmm! Chicken!

For dinner Mom made a huge Italian buffet with spaghetti, pizza, and salad! Then Mom helped me bake a big chocolate cake! Please note that the one below is a dramatization of the actual product:

Yah. Mine looked more like a chocolate brick. Well... More like just a brick. But it was a tasty brick none the less!

After chocolate brick-cake there were presents! And since I'm a huge fan of pictures! I have compiled a lovely diagram of Hansy's gifts! It was very exciting to watch him open his presents!

I think the best gift were the magical socks! Hansy had such a good day Friday! To bad he has to go back to work Monday! Aw!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Darn Yankees!

Saturday Mom and I went to see the play Darn Yankees for my English class at the Aurora Theater in Downtown Lawrenceville. We arrived early so Mom and I bought out tickets. Then we walked around a bit and toured the city court house. As we left the court house we as that their was a huge store dedicated to the red hat club. And a huge group of them were walking around town too!

Mom wanted to go look at the antique store. It was amazing! They had some really cute old umbrellas, big tacky jewelry from the 60's, and just all sorts of awesome things. The had a chest of drawers in good condition only for two hundred dollars. Only we could buy it. Aw...

At the play the Red Hat club was there too! They sat on the front row! It was so amazing. I wish I had had my camera. It would have been fun.

What? The play? Oh yah! That was good too. n_n

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Friday!

Yay! It's Friday! And that means it's time for the week-end! But not just any week-end! A long week-end! Yay! So now I have some time to recap on the week.

Monday: I went out to eat with my friend Holly from school. We ended up stopping at Wendy's and ordering of the value menu. I'm glad they invented the $0.99 burger!

Tuesday: I updated and introduced Bob and Phred!

Wednesday: I had to take a math quiz. Blah. :P But! I had lunch with my friend Melanie at the school. So it was okay. My outfit was commented on by some teacher about what a good role model I'd be to the other girls on campus. See! Modesty does pay off!

Thursday: Mom reheated homemade chicken noodle soup and made scones! Hmm! Scones.

Friday: I receive my quiz score back an only missed one point! Whew! The irony of it is the ones I guess on I got right, but the one I actually worked out I got wrong! I guess I need to study more.

This Saturday I have to go see a play for my English class at the Aurora Theater in downtown Lawrenceville. I hope it's interesting!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

It's only Tuesday and the week has been too long already! I'll try to update by Friday with all the happenings that have occurred. Until then, I'm a bit too busy! I love you all! And enjoy our new blog mascots!

The green hatted one is Bob and the red hatted one is Phred! (Pronounced Fred, He just can't spell is all.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Yes, we're home and actually found the house and occupants in tack. Although we're still investigating the green glow around the house, which blew out the air conditioning. We had a good day for traveling it was sun shiny all the way. Karen even found us while traveling so she was able to get the Martha Stewart rice krispie recipe. We're not very good at hide and seek.

I forgot to take the camera. But here's a list of pictures I would I have taken. Huff's Texaco gas station, little bitty frogs, Magnolia trees lots of them, Fred's, Piggly Wiggly Supermarket, downtown Brandon, MS with Confederate Solider monument in the center of the road, Talladega Speedway, Chunky, MS and even the gas station that sold souvenirs from all fifty states (your one stop shopping).

We had a very good visit with John's Aunt Georgia and Uncle Robert and cousins Robert and Lisa. They are really sweet people. We caught up on all of the family news and helped them get some things done while we were there.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yay College!

Today was my first day of higher education! It was defiantly less stressful. My teachers are very nice. I especially like my French teacher Mrs. Mormino. She's an animated person when she speaks. My math teacher was nice enough to let me borrow his cell phone because I had left mine at home and didn't have away of calling Mom. I think one of the best things about school was of course the new school clothes. I'm telling you- Buying clothes on clearance at Kohl's is the best thing ever! Mom and I bought at least two hundred dollars worth of clothes for me only for seventy dollars and it's all Purple! I'm totally set for the rest of the year! Yay!

I had an hour in between classes and used my lappy to take a picture.

Speaking of Kohl's shopping- Mom and I also stopped by the children's department to buy school clothes for Melissa as a gift. Mom already had clothes for Taylor that Aunt Georgie gave her, (Which she's blog about soon!) so we thought it would be nice to give them school clothes. There was a green shirt and hoodie, two pairs of jeans, a white baby doll top, and a pair of pink pants for Melissa. Then there was for Taylor an blue striped long-sleeve polo shirt, a green dinosaur shirt, and a couple pairs of jeans. The best shirt how ever it is the yellow 'Southern Miss'. (Miss standing for Mississippi!) I'd love to see him were that!

Monday, August 18, 2008

They're Back!

They're back and they brought a piece of Piggly Wiggly with them! I'll have Mom Blog the tales of their travels soon! So don't go away! (For too long that is!)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gone Away

Well, Mom and Dad are out of town for the weekend so it's just me, the dog, and Hansy! But not to worry I'm sure that nothing could go wron-


Um? I might have to get back to you on that!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I finally did it! I have the movie up and running. So now you don't have to go to Youtube, sift through countless video's and accounts just to watch a three minute presentation! You can scroll to the bottom of the page to watch.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting ready for the fall season!

Today was a very good day! Hans when to Kohl's and bought new clothes for work today! He does have to look his very best! Tomorrow he's going to see one of his favorite bands at a concert in the Gwinnett Arena.

Mom and I went out to the bookstore on my college campus to buy my textbooks. All of them are used, except for one. It was my first real big purchase as an adult, but now I'm poor... x_x

I still can't get the movie to work so I'm just going to post some pictures instead!

Here's Mom and Dad. This is a picture I took of them four years ago when we went up to Helen for their anniversary. We had lots of fun that day. Now here's Hans and I on the plane when we were coming home from Utah! Our plane had been delayed in Oklahoma. It was pretty neat.
And here is my Buffy surfing the internet! She may look cute and nice, but she'll gnaw your face off after she eats you legs. ._. She's not a very nice poochie.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm still having issues with the video...

I tried to post it, but I'm still having trouble! But not to worry! I'll figure it out!

Blogs Ahoy!

We finally have a blog Aunt Sylvia!

Right now there isn't anything happening right now. I'll be off to college at Georgia Gwinnett in a few days. Hans and I have been playing video games together a lot. Mom and Dad are always working hard. I did make a video of the Family Reunion which was really fun! I'll post it here when I get a chance to. I also have it posted on Youtube under my account LavenderLuck if you can't wait. n_n